Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hey, I'm Back !

Okay, the last time I posted something here was about 6 years ago I guess. Entah, terasa nak tulis balik. The idea of making blog ni pun arwah abah yang suruh. The fact that im not very good in computers membuatkan aku tak suka buat blog or anything that is related to computer. Selain fb dgn social network yg lain lahh, hahah tu lain cerita lahh. Okay memandangkan spm baru habis, ill take my time to write something for myself i guess. Takde orang pun nak baca blog ni sebenarnya dan aku tak mengharap pun orang untuk baca. So im not gonna use ayat2 skema kat dalam blog ni, its more to myself. Aku, kau, shortforms, ayat rojak, and benda bodoh will be written. Its my blog anyway. Okay tu je, nevertheless sama-sama sedekahkan al Fatihah untuk arwah abah semoga rohnya sentiasa dicucuri rahmat-Nya. Al Fatihah 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Dedicated to the younger generation
in the Hope that They Will Forge With

the Uthmost Determination,Scale
Greater Heights and Gain the
Highest Respect


Rulers like Hitler, Lenin, Napoleon, Mao Tse Tong, the Meiji emperors and the Egyptian pharoahs played pivotal roles in the mobilizing of their peoples.Whether their influence was direct or indirect, whether their leadership was consultative or authoritarian , their effectiveness was the result of a mix of personal charisma, the conditions of the time and their committed stance. Whatever the circumstances, what are concerned here is the decisive role played by leaders in the rise of their people and the nation.


[malas nak tulis panjang]

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Hahahaha....nilah kawan2 awad mase skolah rendah dulu.Tapi.. yang gamba lelaki je dapat sbb yg perempuan maser tu malu2.Ni smua best friend awad 'miss o.0 dekat diaorang.Kalo boleh nak skola rendah balik..tapi tak nak perikse la..Awad buat citer ni pun sebab boring hari tak leh main game sampai kul lima...waa....Tapi dah lame lame jugak buat blog ni boleh..luahkan smue perasaan kiter.Betul awad tak tipu.Owh...lupe nak citer pasal kawan awad nihh...Hari tu mase majlis khatam al quran pastu tangkap gambar ramai2,gamba awad takde ler.. sebab awad camera man tuhh..Yang tak pakai baju melayu n ade kaca mate tu name dier aiman dier blum khatam sebab tu dier tak leh 'join the club'.Lagi sorang yang tak pakai baju melayu tu kire antare kawan paling rapat awad dier kawan dengan awad dari darjah satu lagi.Syafiq pun kawan paling rapat awad dier BFF dengan awad start mase TADIKA lagi tau..lame tuhh..allaa..syafiq yg between aiman 'n' syahhir tuh budak yang tak khatam...hehehe..Yang lagi tiga orang tu..budak2 pandai dan pandai jugaklah depe membodek cikgu2 SKTD.Sampai sini jer 'chit chat' awad bye. [kalo boleh nak buat majlis reunion tuk kite smue]hendaknye begitulah...


Awad sebenarnye tengah tunggu surat tawaran SBP.Hhmmm......,tulah takut tak dapat.Harap harap dapat la ek..amin.Kalo tak dapat SBP RK ataupun MRSM pun jadilah.Cadang nak masuk MCCK same ngan abang,banyak advantage awad masuk sane selain daripade tau tempat dan kawasan tu awad pun dah sedikit sebanyak kenal org org kat situ.Sambil sambil tu dekat ngan kampung senang senang je boleh balik kampung.Sampai sini jelah 'blurbs' awad bye..

[harap harap dapat masuk MCKK]

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Buah cempedak di luar pagar,

Ambil galah tolong jolokkan,

Saya budak baru belajar,

silap salah tolong betulkan.
